Our Characters can shoot in 8 directions, they also can jump to upper places (By pressing up and jump, you can jump back to the ground by pressing down and jump) Every stage is divided into two parts, in the 2nd. (You can also slide by pressing down+left/right and jump)This port counts with two shoot buttons: While "B" lets you move and shoot at the same time, "A" only lets you aim. This is how you play: As in any platformer game, you can make your character jump, you can also move it to the left or right. But that doesn't decrease the variety that the game has. (6/10) Depth: As I said, it's a kinda short game. However, it can still hook you, but not much as the other ports. Maybe it's because the game is pretty short, or because it's easy compared with the Arcade. Unlike the original title, this port is less addictive than it. (7/10) Addictiveness: Maybe we could point a difference here. However, at least it doesn't lack of the emotion and energy that the soundtrack of the original version had. But, that's okay, since the Genesis had a different sound chip, it's forgivable. (7/10) Sound: As well, the music sounds pretty different. These look kinda empty, and with a lack of bright colors. The Sprites of the Characters look well, I'd wish I could say the same about the Backgrounds. Is that these aren't close to the quality of the Arcade. (As you see, a typical story of the Old West.) (6/10) Graphics: This game counts with great graphics, however, the bad thing about these. As well, we must help the heroes on their mission. Story: Two bounty hunters (named Billy and Cormano) have the mission of eliminate the most wanted outlaws of the West, with the objective of getting the rewards that are given for them. Many people prefer the SNES version for being more similar to the Arcade, but, what about the Genesis/Megadrive port? Was it good? Well, if you really want to know. There were two ports: For the SNES and the Sega Genesis. But, what if we tried to fuse both? The result is "Sunset Riders" made in 1991 for the Arcade. Like the beat'em ups, great and amazing games. However, Let's not forget about their shooter (or "war") games. All of these were good and had a great quality. Just remember, who hasn't played one of their 4 players Beat' em ups? The Simpsons, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Bucky O Hare, etc. But it's necessary on the most part of the cases.) Konami used to be known as one of the kings of the Arcade games. Sunset Riders Review by: Eddy88 - 7/10 Sunset Riders (Sega Genesis/Megadrive) Review Cowboys! Back in day (I may sound repetitive by talking about the "old days" and all that.